Polish Dill Vs. Kosher Dill

Due to their similar origins, Polish and dill closely resemble one another, making it difficult to distinguish between them. But there are some notable differences when comparing Polish dill vs. Kosher dill. 

What Is Polish Dill?

Polish dill is a pickle variety made in wooden barrels, similar to most other pickles. The process involves placing cucumbers in these barrels with kosher salt, vinegar, and spices. 

Due to the ingredients, these pickles don’t require much fermentation. The result is a spicy, peppery taste. This particular dill was introduced to the US by Polish immigrants in the early 1900s. 

What Is Kosher Dill?

The phrase “kosher dill” relates to how the dill was historically made. Specifically, a Rabbi would have overseen the process to ensure they’re made according to Jewish dietary requirements. But today, “kosher dill” refers to the ingredients used to make the pickles. 

Kosher dill is made by placing cucumbers in brine with garlic and kosher salt. Currently, there are two types of kosher dill, including full sours and half sours. Full sours have gone through the entire fermentation process for up to 6 weeks. On the contrary, half sours are often fermented for less time. 

Polish Dill Vs. Kosher Dill

Here, we’ll dive into the differences between two of the most popular types of dill: Polish and Kosher. 


Kosher dill contains garlic, kosher salt, cucumbers, and dill. It generally only has natural ingredients. But sometimes, it includes a few drops of vinegar for added acidity. 

However, Polish dill is made from cucumbers, dill, and spices. The key differentiator is that it does not contain garlic. 


Kosher dill is perfect for a quick snack and is fantastic on burgers. The garlic adds a zesty flavor to the dill. 

Polish dill usually works well when added to meat dishes because of its spicy flavor. It can also be served as an appetizer and is often eaten on a sandwich.


Kosher dill has a slight fresh garlic flavor. The kosher salt imparts a mild and pleasant savory flavor. In addition, unlike Polish dill, kosher dill is sweet and has a slightly tangy taste. 

On the other hand, Polish dill is peppery and spicy, with notes of peppercorns and coriander.


The interior of the polish and kosher dill are mushy, and there isn’t much difference. 

But the outer texture differs significantly. Kosher dill has a crisp texture. In comparison, Polish dill has a rubbery feel.


Half sours kosher dill has a bright green color because it’s not fully fermented. While full sours kosher dill embodies a deep olive-green color.

In contrast, Polish dill is light green due to its short fermentation process. The color fades the longer is left to ferment.


When you look into the origins of kosher and Polish dill, it’s easy to see why there’s often confusion. But on closer inspection, the inherent differences between Polish dill vs. kosher dill become clear.