Answered: Corn Flour Substitutes

From coating your chicken to baking and breading meat, corn flour can do it all. Aside from that, it’s great for thickening soaps without adding too much flavor. In this article, we’ll explore some ideal substitutions you can use for corn flour in any recipe.

It’s made from dried corn kernels, so it’s classified as a whole grain flour. Simply put, it can be used in several dishes because it is a finely processed flour. What’s more, it is gluten-free and rich in nutrients such as fiber, protein, carbohydrates, and others. In terms of color, it can appear yellow or even blue.

Unfortunately, because it can be used in practically every recipe, it is easy to run out of. What should you do if this happens? This is where corn flour substitutes come into play. When used correctly, these substitutes can work just as well.

If you want to learn about some corn flour substitutes, continue reading to find the best option for you.

Substitutes for Corn Flour

1. Cornstarch

Most people confuse cornstarch with corn flour. Cornstarch is made from the starchy part of the kernel. It is gluten-free, perfect for anyone who wants to avoid gluten-containing foods.

Even though they are relatively similar, the differences are all in color and texture. Corn flour can be yellow or blue, whereas cornstarch is entirely white. The texture is also a dead giveaway, as cornstarch has a powdery texture.

The lack of flavor might put you off. So, you’ll need to add some spices to offset this. Cornstarch’s starch molecules make it an excellent thickener for soups and stews.

2. Rice Flour

Yes, that’s right. Rice flour is a fantastic substitute for corn flour. As the name implies, rice flour is produced from rice that has been finely grounded. 

It is exceptionally versatile and gluten-free. As a bonus, rice flour is colorless when mixing it with water, unlike corn flour. So it’s perfect for soaps. It also has a sticky, almost gooey texture when you add water. Rice flour also has a starchy and powdery consistency similar to corn flour.

Unfortunately, Rice flour is not an excellent substitute for breading or baking. That’s because it lacks the crunchy texture you’ll get from using cornflour. It is, however, recommended for thickening soaps and making rice noodles.

3. Wheat Flour

Wheat flour has similar nutrients to corn flour, such as fiber. However, it has a higher protein concentration, making it a nutrition-dense substitute. It is made from well-grounded wheat and has the same thickening properties as corn flour. 

But one caveat about wheat flour is that it is not gluten-free compared to corn flour. Although it is not ideal for anyone who is gluten intolerant, it does a great job of thickening soups. In addition, wheat flour has a white color with a chewy texture. 

It is not suitable for baking since it produces a thick consistency. You can mix 50% wheat flour with 50% corn flour to avoid a very thick consistency. 

4. Potato Flour

Potato flour is produced from potatoes that have been boiled, dried, and then crushed. Just like corn flour, potato flour is also gluten-free. However, it is made up of a lot of carbohydrates and fats. If you’re counting your calories, then use potato flour in moderation. 

It is also flavorless, so it will not overpower your dishes. One thing that makes potato flour an exceptional substitute is the flavor it adds to dishes.   

Potato is typically an excellent substitute for coating and thickening soaps. However, make sure to add it a little later when cooking to avoid making your soaps too thick early.


When you run out of corn flour, you can try these corn flour substitutes. They are great for baking, cooking, and even thickening your soups and stews. Not only can you find these substitutes in your pantry, but you can easily buy these in your local grocery store. And, with these corn flour substitutes on hand, you’re sure to deliver some tasty crowd-pleasing recipes.