How Long Do Black Beans Last In the Fridge?

If you have some leftover beans, you might wonder: How long do black beans last in the fridge? Understanding black beans and their expiration date is essential if you plan on cooking with them. Black beans are both tasty and nutritious. And these beans last slightly longer than other bean types.

Let’s take a closer look at black beans and their expected shelf life.

How Long Do Black Beans Last In the Fridge?

Understanding how to open a can of black beans wins half the battle. But of course, answering the question, “How long do black beans last in the fridge?” is also essential. 

Sometimes, when you open a can, you might not use all the beans. This makes the approach to storage crucial. The shelf life of the black beans would largely depend upon how you store them.

If you haven’t opened the can yet, storing them away from heat and moisture is best. These beans would stay fresh for 3 or more years. But when you have just cooked black beans, you should never let them sit out for longer than 2 hours. 

It’s best to let the pot of beans cool down and instantly store them in your refrigerator in airtight containers. These beans would stay fresh for up to 7 days when kept in the fridge. 

While you can use the same can for refrigeration, there is a chance that oxygen will seep in. Hence, we recommend using a glass jar to store your canned or cooked black beans. This would preserve the taste and nutritional content of your beans. 

If you’re not likely to use the leftover beans within a week, we recommend storing your beans in a freezer. They’d remain edible for up to 12 months if frozen. 

How To Tell if Your Black Beans Have Gone Bad

Two types of bacteria can grow on your black beans as they age. These bacteria affect the smell, taste, and appearance of your beans.

If you have left your cooked beans on the countertop for more than 2 hours, you should not eat them. They may look fine appearance-wise but can contain some bacteria. 

Additionally, if your black beans have been in the fridge for more than a week, you should not eat them. If your beans look slimy or smell bad, you should dispose of them right away. 


Black beans are the powerhouses of nutrition. Cooking them every day can be quite a task. Hence, you can pre-cook and store them in a refrigerator in resealable bags or airtight containers. These beans would be safe to consume for up to 7 days. 

Now that we’ve answered the question, “How long do black beans last in the fridge?” ensure you eat them before they spoil.